We sent out a letter to our local politicians about the battle for Fallujah and Kofi Annan, the UN General Secretary’s warning to the United States, Britain and Iraq that an assault on Fallujah could further anger Iraqis and undermine the planned January elections. We pointed out,
The civilian cost in death and injury of the invasion of Iraq has been horrific and a respectable and authoritative publication like the Lancet has reported that there could well have been 100,000 deaths in Iraq as a consequence, half of these being women and children. They also point out that this could be an underestimate, as it is impossible to count in the huge casualties being inflicted on Fallujah.
We did this because we felt it was time for politicians as well as citizens to stand up and be counted on this and to express an opinion about what is happening there. We have heard little from our politicians publicly but our Weblog now gives them an opportunity to express what they feel. We believe that silence is not an honourable option. Brian Coleman the Barnet London Assembly Member is so far the only one to respond and he states
I fully support the action of the sovereign Government of Iraq supported by Allied troops in dealing with the internal Security in Fallujah. It is time the UN backed the Iraqi Government in the war on terrorism.
Although we disagree with Brian’s direct and sharp viewpoint on this we have to thank him for expressing his views publicly. Where are the views of our other politicians? We look forward to hearing soon.
After a certain point, she became impassive, detached utterly from him
Posted by: Shox NZ | January 11, 2011 at 12:42 PM