Much has been written about the North/South divide – the divide between the largely developed northern nations and the far more non developed South. To help the South develop, The South Centre came formally into being as an intergovernmental body of developing countries on 31 July 1995, when the Intergovernmental Agreement to establish the Centre came into force.
Currently, 48 countries are members of the South Centre. The Centre, however, works for the benefit of the South as a whole, making efforts to ensure that all developing countries and interested groups and persons have access to its publications and the results of its work, irrespective of membership.
All countries signing and ratifying the Agreement appoint a representative to the Council of Representatives which meets at least once every three years and whose function is to provide guidance on the Centre’s work and activities, as well as to elect the nine-member Board and approve the appointment of the Centre’s Chairperson. The first session of the Council of Representatives was held in September 1995.
The Board, whose members are elected in their personal capacity for three-year terms, oversees the operations of the Centre, approves its work programme, assists in fund-raising and considers the budget and yearly audited accounts, and generally assists the work of the Chairperson.
The Centre -- which is not intended to be a "secretariat" -- will remain modest in size, with only a small nucleus of staff. Acting in a flexible manner, it will draw its strength from networking so as to carry out the designated work and activities in co-operation with other institutions and individuals of the South. In the process, institutional capacities in the South will be strengthened and South-wide co-operation will be further developed.
According to the Intergovernmental Agreement, the South Centre has the following among its central objectives:
- To promote South solidarity, South consciousness and mutual knowledge and understanding among the countries and peoples of the South;
- To promote various types of South-South co-operation and action, South-South links, networking and information exchange;
- To contribute to South-wide collaboration in promoting common interests and co-ordinated participation by developing countries in international forums dealing with South-South and North-South matters, as well as with other global concerns;
- To foster convergent views and approaches among countries of the South with respect to global economic, political and strategic issues related to evolving concepts of development, sovereignty and security;
- To contribute to better mutual understanding and co-operation between the South and the North on the basis of equity and justice for all and, to this end, to the democratization and strengthening of the United Nations and its family of organizations.
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