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Our Weblog

  • Discuss & Act
    This is a weblog of news as well as articles produced by members of the Enfield & The Barnets United Nations Association about the changing world order in the 21st century and its impact on our lives. We also publish answers given to us by local politicians in the two Boroughs.

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  • Book Group - Thursday 8th January 2009
    The UNA Book Group will meet on the above date to discuss "Nuclear Power is Not the Answer" (New Press 2006). Is nuclear power carbon neutral? Must the nuclear industry be parasitic on massive public subsidies? Are we heading for "peak uranium" comparable to peak oil? What about waste disposal, and how damaging is nuclear power generation to human health? All these and many other issues are addressed in Helen Caldicott's accessible text. For more details phone 020 8882 3621.

MPs & Web Sites

  • Rudi Vis
    Dr Rudi Vis is the Labour MP for Finchley & Golders Green- previously the constituency of Margaret Thatcher.
  • David Burrowes
    David Burrowes is the MP for Enfield Southgate. David first won the seat in 2005.
  • Joan Ryan
    Joan Ryan is the MP for Enfield North. Joan has been the Member for Enfield North since 1997.
  • Andy Love
    Andy Love is the MP for Edmonton and was first elected in 1997.
  • Andrew Dismore
    Andrew Dismore is the Labour MP for Hendon and was first elected in 1997
  • Theresa Villiers
    Theresa Villiers is the MP for Chipping Barnet. She was first elected in 2005.

London MEPs

  • Syed Salah Kamall
    Syed is interested in EU telecommunications policy, transport, postal services, broadcasting, global free trade and foreign investment
  • Claude Moraes
    Elected in 1999, Claude is Labour Party Spokesperson on the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
  • Sarah Ludford
    Sarah is spokeswoman on justice & home affairs for the European Liberal Democrat group in the European Parliament
  • John Bowis
    John is a Conservative Member of the European Parliament for London and Conserative spokesman on Public Health and Consumer Affairs in the European Parliament.
  • Mary Honeyball
    Mary's special interests are Economic and Monetary Affairs, Women's Rights and Cyprus.
  • Gerard Batten
    UK Independence Party Independence and Democracy
  • Charles Tannock
    Charles is the Conservative Foreign Affairs Spokesman in the European Parliament and represents Greater London.
  • Jean Lambert
    Jean Lambert was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in 1999
  • Robert Evans
    Robert Evans was elected to represent the London Region in the European Parliament in 1999.

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« The Congolese tragedy continues | Main | Sad State Of Local Government »

May 04, 2006


Tahir Iqbal

Here's an idea that will end poverty forever and unite the world in peace. It originates from the CIA, and has been worked on for years in conjunction with myself.

The idea is simple. Asset price growth is the source of most of the last century's economic growth. A 0.5% tax on foreign exchange transactions is proposed. This would raise £1.25 trillion per year. This money is then used to build houses in less developed countries which are then given to poor people. Say it costs £10,000 to build a house then there is a budget for 100 million houses per year. There are 1 billion very poor people (income less than $1 a day) in the world who could be employed to build these houses. The initial effect would be a massive input of income into poor economies, stimulating business and job-creation. Over time house prices rise. The poor people would then become rich having a house as an asset.

The idea originates from looking at post war growth in the UK. The Labour governments built council houses for the poor. These were later sold off to them by the Conservative government. There was a house price boom and now the UK housing assets are worth £2.3 trillion. This has had a major impact on the economy allowing people to create businesses that create jobs. The problem for rich countries like the UK is that house prices have reached a peak. It is already too expensive for many people to buy a house. Where does future growth come from? The answer is to support this project to build houses in developing countries and give them to the poor which would make these countries rich. The developed nations can then find new growth by selling products to the less developed countries. There are many other processes and effects involved. To find out more, please see

Please get involved. Tell your friends. Email everyone in your address book. Write to left wing groups and tell them about this idea. Contribute your own ideas on this by writing to [email protected]

The comments to this entry are closed.

November 2008

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  • Debating climate change in the Security Council
    Education lies at the heart of the UNA's work. On 25th November branch members took part in a long-planned Model UN Security Council event with Year 12 students at Broomfield School in Enfield. In role as national delegations, NGOs, UN agencies and corporate interests, the students debated emergency climate change issues, including carbon emissions and refugee policy. We hope they learned something about the UN, something about climate change and something about negotiating. We certainly did!
