UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for the reform of the United Nations in a key foreign policy speech in the US. He said the UN secretary general should be given greater powers to improve the organisation's ability to react to international crises. Other institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund also needed to change and possibly merge - to enable them to react effectively to economic and humanitarian crises.
The UK prime minister said the current make-up of the UN Security Council - with no permanent seats for Germany, Japan or India - could no longer be considered legitimate in the modern world.
It also needed representation from Latin American and African countries, he said. Mr Blair also called for the creation of a UN environment organisation commensurate with the importance the issue had on the international agenda.
One Blog’s (Paxalles) response to this was
After listening to British Prime Minister Tony Blair's address to Georgetown University on C-Span, it would seem that he would, with his internationalist focus, be a great nominee for the next Secretary General of the United Nations. He has the experience and the vision as well as a reasonable and realistic reform plan for the scandal riddled organization - and he is one of the most articulate politicians of his era. Perhaps Gordon Brown and his supporters are already working on this one...